Eggs, in many baskets.

Easter, with its moveable dates, its complex mixture of general holiday, sporting weekend, chocolate centric themes and occasionally the first sign of proper spring weather, is a reflective time. This year’s Easter weekend was no exception. In volunteering terms, Easter does not have the focus that Christmas and New Year period can generate. Nevertheless, Easter is a good representation of the wide range of volunteer opportunities that take place or are available.

Flexible Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is no longer just turning up twice a week at the same place and performing a regular service. Today, volunteers want more variety, Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIO’s) are interested in more flexible volunteers, the range of skills required and experience needed is so much more eclectic than was the case even just five years ago. Volunteers don’t put all their eggs in one basket anymore.

Whilst the 2020-2022 Covid centric experience wasn’t where groups like GoodGym were formed, it was where that flexible responsive nature had a positive light shone on it. Likewise with bite-size and micro volunteering, it was the ability to positively contribute without having to commit to set hours/days which attracted a new cohort to the positives of volunteering. As articulated in blogs past, the age dynamic for volunteers has shifted markedly since 2019, whilst it is easy to just note the decline in “time-rich” older volunteers it is a mistake not to acknowledge the balancing that has taken place with younger, more pro-active volunteers stepping up.

Like all supply and demand situations, there is always a slight lag between the request for flexible volunteering opportunities, or multi-micro volunteering, and the availability to meet those requests. VIO’s however do seem to want to meet the expectations of a new approach, however it tends to be the traditional structures, delivering for communities already, that get priority. Balancing the two is key to ensuring volunteering stays relevant and popular – taking for granted that there will always be volunteers waiting would be a mistake. As anyone who checks in regularly at the evolution of opportunities, from static to organic, will continue in 2024, and the more the merrier for this new approach.

Planning your gap year? Why not consider volunteering?

Lots of young people are planning their gap years after a tumultuous six months. A lot of normal gap year rites of passage are not possible at the moment. Volunteering is a great way of making the most of your gap year – it helps you gain new skills and knowledge, as well as providing experiences that will last a lifetime.

Volunteering can also be flexible around other commitments, such as re-taking exams, finding a part-time job and caring for others.

Of course, we have all had to take precautions during this period. When volunteering you should have a discussion to mitigate any risks. There are also loads of roles you can do from home, from helping a charity’s social media to making phone calls to isolated people.


Supporting people and communities

During this period we have seen an astonishing explosion in volunteering from the NHS Responders Volunteers to the informal Mutual Aid groups that have sprung up. Volunteers in formal and informal groups have delivered shopping, medical supplies and provided a friendly ear on the phone.

Past few months have exacerbated and exposed many social issues. Black Lives Matter and the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and other minority ethnic communities have encouraged many people to join antiracist campaigns. Loneliness and poverty have also been highlighted and many people have banded together in new and innovative ways to combat them.

If you want to make a difference and give your time to support the most vulnerable in society, you can search here for different causes.



Of course, volunteering is not only about others, but it can also help you gain new skills and experience in advance of further studying.

That could be gaining experience with children or supporting adults, getting admin or marketing experience for your first office job, or in an area of interest such as theatre or the environment.

When applying for your volunteer role, make sure that you are clear about what you want to learn and what skills you want to gain with the organisation. As you are helping them, they should support you in gaining the skills or let you know if that is not possible.



Travelling around the world may not be possible at the moment, but you can still get a taste of adventure and widen your horizons before you get back to studying or start your career.

You might consider full-time volunteering, which involves moving to another part of the country having accommodation and other expenses paid for. Find out more at full-time volunteering.

You might want to set up your own group to show your initiative and explore an area you are interested in. The Library Service can help you with this.


Support and advice

If you want any support or advice about volunteering please get in touch. You can reach us through

Call: 0300 365 9980



Facebook: @volunteeringkingston

Twitter: @vol_kingston

Visit Story Map to learn more about Volunteering Kington.